- Client: Sophie Whitehouse-Sparks
- Industry: Education
Online Tutoring Marketplace

Our mission is to enable education anywhere for everyone with a community of trusted, expert tutors.
Core Technologies:
- React.js
- React Native
- Node.js
- Ruby on Rails
- WordPress
Online Tutoring Marketplace
TutorTime Tutors is an online tutoring marketplace for parents, schoolchildren, students and teachers.
The marketplace allows you to choose an individual tutor for any subject within
the school curriculum, as well as extracurricular leisure activities (sports, art).
TutorTime Tutors can be used by both parents and students, as well as teachers conducting classes. -
Tutors can register through the marketplace, pass an interview and offer their services,
classes in the areas in which they specialize.
Parents and students can also register on the marketplace and choose a suitable tutor, book classes, get a homework assignment, and evaluate the teacher after classes.

The app is available through the web interface and through mobile applications for iOS and Android.
Client & product
TutorTime is an Australian based online tutoring marketplace founded by Sophie Whitehouse-Sparks and her team of expert educators.
The client came to us with an already built app which required further development and support. Our first goal was to make the system work stably for different user roles.
In order to make the system stable enough, our team had to solve a number of challenging tasks:
- Set up a single project infrastructure
- Transform a major part of the project to use Node.js instead of Ruby on Rails. It made the code more readable, and further changes easier to implement
- Cooperate with the product team on building new user flows
- Enlarge the system to satisfy new partners’ (schools) needs
Job done
The A2 Design Team has achieved the following goals while working on the project:
- Updated the booking flow to a more convenient one
- Transformed the app code base, so the app became more adaptive to further improvements
- Enabled the product owner to manage different areas of the app, e.g admin could send notifications to users, download system reports, generate promo codes etc.
- Developed a white label booking service that helps new partners (schools) to find job for their graduated students

Sophie Whitehouse-Sparks
The team at A2 are motivated and solutions based. We have been working with A2 for over 2 years and they deliver what they promise. Thank you A2 for always providing us with tech ideas and support. We look forward to continuing working with you for the foreseeable future.
A2 Design Team
We believe in the values of specialization of labor. That’s why we created a dedicated team for the project.
QA department
Project manager
Booking flow
- Users are able to view tutors profiles, see tutors' schedules, and book selected tutors.Online payments by CC are integrated for seamless user experience. Parents are charged automatically after their booking is scheduled and approved by the tutor.
- The system runs all the necessary calculations to spread funds between hundreds of tutors and TutorTime as a service provider.

Admin Dashboard
Product management team can use the admin dashboard:
- to review the basic info about users’ engagement, such as list of registered parents and tutors, bookings details, business revenue, recent users’ activities
- to manage details about the product TutorTime offers, such as subjects available for booking, tutors’ qualification levels and corresponding rates, TutorTime fees etc.
- to make bookings on behalf of parents if requested
- to share announcements with the app users
- to run promo campaigns by creating promo codes for certain services

White Label Project (Kambala School)
A2 Design team has adjusted their business model and codebase to build up a white label booking service that helps new partners (schools) to find jobs for their graduated students and present them on the marketplace.

More exciting features and collaborations in progress!
Let's turn your idea into a thriving business!

Next steps
- We schedule a meeting with you to discover your project
- Then we break down your project into iterations to estimate them with our developers
- We create a proposal and explain all details related to the working process
- Once we get a go-ahead, our project manager kicks off internal meeting to get started